Having upper eyelid surgery can truly change things for you in a significant way. It’s super important to take care during the healing process to get the best results possible after the surgery is done and dusted. It’s key to be aware of what things you should steer off during this time to ensure everything heals up right and looks good. This helpful guide gives you the lowdown on activities you should be careful about or skip altogether post-surgery.
Engaging in Physical Activity
Participating in physical activities or lifting weights can notably affect the healing process after surgery. It is one of the main things to remember if you are unsure about what to expect after upper eyelid surgery. Intense physical exertion can increase blood circulation and cause swelling or bleeding near the surgical area. It is recommended that individuals avoid activities like jogging or lifting weights for at least two weeks following surgery. It is crucial to reintroduce physical activities to give the body sufficient time to recover properly.
Tired Eyes
Engaging in activities that strain the eyes can slow down the healing process and extend the time needed for recovery. Spending long periods in front of screens or reading extensively can result in dryness or irritation of the eyes. To reduce discomfort and support healing, it is advised to take breaks when using devices and to keep reading sessions brief.
Soaking Up the Sun
Limit exposure to sunlight while recovering to protect the skin around your eyes after surgery from potential harm caused by harmful UV rays. To shield the healing process effectively when outside, wear sunglasses and a brimmed hat for added protection and avoid the peak hours of sunlight.
Drinking and Tobacco Use
Both alcohol consumption and smoking can have an impact on the body’s healing process. Alcohol can lead to blood thinning and raise the likelihood of bleeding issues. Meanwhile, smoking can restrict blood flow, thus slowing down recovery and boosting the chances of complications. Avoiding both practices for at least two weeks is recommended to aid recovery.
Using Contact Lenses
After undergoing surgery, contact lenses are typically not recommended, as the eyelids need time to heal properly without any added pressure or irritation. Wear glasses more comfortable and safer, as they can lower the chances of infection or discomfort during the healing process. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider to determine the time to start using contact lenses after surgery.
Skin Care Procedures
It’s important to steer off treatments, like facials or massages, while recovering from surgery because they might put pressure on the eye area and unintentionally interfere with the healing process. Delaying these activities helps maintain the site undisturbed for a recovery process.
Different Ways People Sleep
Rest is essential for healing your body; however, sleep positions can negatively impact your recovery progress. Lying on your back with your head elevated can help reduce swelling and alleviate eye pressure. Adding pillows or using a bed can offer support for a more comfortable and successful healing journey.
Thinking About What To Eat
Nutrition is vital for healing after an illness or injury. It helps the body heal itself effectively by providing vitamins and minerals needed for recovery. It’s important to avoid foods that may worsen swelling and excessive sugar that can cause inflammation. Drinking plenty of water and eating nutritious food can help speed up recovery.
Engaging in Events and Gatherings
It’s important to be careful when attending events that involve a lot of movement or being in areas to protect yourself from potential harm or getting sick. To help the healing process go smoothly, it’s best to stay away from places with a chance of injury or getting infected. Resting and recovering are key to giving your body the support it needs to heal.
After undergoing eyelid surgery, it’s important to approach your daily routine to support healing effectively and avoid any actions that could slow down the recovery process. Following these recommendations can help improve healing and ensure positive results in the long run. Remember to seek guidance from a medical professional for personalized advice that fits your unique recovery requirements.