The Various Types Of Wellness Centres

Wellness Centres

The big new thing in personal health these days is the concept of the wellness centre. The thing is, there seem to be a lot of different types of wellness centres so it’s difficult to know just what kind is being referred to!

Basically, a wellness centre offers holistic health services for both the body and the mind. For example,  Sydney’s Best Wellness Centres offer everything from saunas and hydrotherapy to floatation beds and dynamic compression therapy. Considering the wide range of services going by the name, let’s examine the different kinds of wellness centres to see which type might be right for you!

General Health and Well-Being – One of the most popular versions of the wellness centre is one you might find within a large corporation or on a college campus. The broad focus is on helping employees or students to improve performance by giving them better ways to deal with stress, such as using meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques in their lives. Proper nutrition and exercise are often addressed because they are so essential to general health and well-being. There might be an in-house health clinic staffed with physicians to facilitate progress.  A university will usually have a wellness centre working in conjunction with the student health centre to keep young minds and bodies fit and ready to learn.

Specific Health and Wellness Services – Some wellness centres are very specialised and only offer a small range of services. They might focus solely on nutrition programs and medical weight loss, while another might put the emphasis on alternative medicine and acupuncture. A great many wellness centres are staffed with skin care specialists who offer various laser skin treatments, facials, and a variety of surgical and non-invasive skin and body repairing treatments. Yet another kind of wellness centre is basically a gym with aromatherapy thrown in, or a day spa and massage parlour. Whatever the focus is, all wellness centres share a common goal of helping people feel better by providing treatments and services that are designed to improve an individual’s physical and mental well-being.

Physician Operated Wellness Centres – The last version of the wellness centre we will examine could really be considered a clinic or medical practice, but they like the catchy name and want in on the wellness centre action! These wellness centres are essentially a medical practice operated by a group of medical specialists and physicians. This group might include psychiatrists, psychologists, physical therapists, drug rehabilitation specialists, primary care physicians, nutritionalists, and more. The care you receive will be top notch, and your medical insurance might even cover the costs!

With the name wellness centre being used across such a wide range of services it’s important to know in advance what the one you plan to visit is offering, and who is providing the services. This may seem obvious, but quite often the above categories cross over each other, and you could visit a wellness centre looking for a massage and find they only offer dermatology on their menu!

We hope this helps you navigate the complex world of wellness centres, good luck and stay healthy!