10 Real Reasons Why Your Instagram Account isn’t Growing

Instagram account

Growing your social presence on Instagram is not at all a very easy task. Here are the 10 real reasons why your Instagram account isn’t growing:

1. Not engaging enough with your audience

Social media is all about interactions with the audience. And if you interact more with your audience, then your Instagram profile will get more engagement. In order to survive and grow in this highly competitive market, you need to do more engagement with your audience. You  will need to respond to their queries in the DMs or give reply to their comments on regular basis. And if you does not follow these things then your audience will not show any interest in interacting with your content. They will not  show any interest in order to view your content after that, And this will have very bad impact on the growth of your Instagram profile.

The primary objective of social media is to stay socially connected with one another. This simply means, communication and interaction is the soul of social media. So, you just don’t simply post your content, and you should try to form a bond with your audience as this will eventually help you in the long run.

2. Lacking consistency

One of the biggest reasons behind lack in growth of your Instagram account is consistency. You are not consistent enough with your Instagram posts. If you are wondering what consistency brings to the table, it brings a lot of inbound traffic and engagement to your social handle. If you want to be consistent, you need to invest a lot of time but that will surely be worthy.

The best ways to Keep your audience engaged with your content is achieavable if you post your content on Instagram on regular basis. You should create a posting schedule for your Instagram account and follow that schedule as it will help you  post on Instagram to be consistently. And as we all knows consistency is the success key. And if you want to get more followers on famous social media platforms like Instagram, then consistency will really play crucial role.

3. Not doing collaborations

Collobaration really plays a crucial role in the growth of social meida platforms like Instagram. If you want to grow as a brand or a content creator, then you should reach out to other people that share the similar niche. This is one of the great ways to promote your content and establish your social presence bravely on such a popular social media platform like Instagram which has around two billion active users throughout the globe.  These days you need to stand out from other social influencers you need to join hands with them so that you can reach large followers. One of the easiest ways you can follow is with the help of Buying IG live viewers for your profile and joining live with other people you will get more and more audience to your stream in a few minutes. It will help you to make your profile more popular.

Doing collaborations with other brands and content creators will help you to build loyal and strong business relationships that will help you to grow your brand on Instagram. Do not confine yourself within the bubble as it will hinder your growth a lot. Try to form bonds with other people as the best way to grow is by growing relationships with other people. With the help of collaborations, you can easily reach to a wider group of audience, thereby increasing the inbound traffic to your Instagram profile.

4. Not using Instagram Stories

If you are content creator on Instagram and you are not getting enough results despite of posting really good content on the platform, this means you are really making mistakes somewhere. And the most common mistakes people make nowadays is that they do not use Instagram Stories for their content promotion. Instagram Stories are effective way to boost the exposure of your brand and it helps your brand to easily grow and expand further in the global market.

In order to make your Instagram profile look more compelling to your audience, you should  focus on proper utilization of  Instagram Stories. Since they have very good engagement rate which will help you to attract a lot of traffic easily to your Instagram profile.

5. Your content is monotonous

You will find it very difficult to draw traffic to your Instagram profile if you keep producing monotonous content. This is because people get bored with the similar content type. And as a creator, you must bring in some kind of variety in your content strategy. You need to make your content appealing and interesting to the audience, this will draw more audience interactions with your content. So to get more Instagram followers, your content idea should be original and unique.

6. Too much promotion

Do not over promote your content. As per to Instagram algorithm, over-promotion of content will have negative impact your growth on Instagram profile. So, you should always try to be more organic when it comes to your Instagram feed. And if you don’t do over-promotion then it will help will help you to gain Instagram followers. By adding some valuable elements or substance to your content rather than simply asking your audience to buy your products will help you to win the trust of your audience.

7. Not using hashtags

Many brands and content creators does not use hashtags, as it is one of the most common mistakes made by them while promoting content on Instagram platform. They should try to use the relevant hashtags while posting content on Instagram. And while using hashtags you just need to avoid over use of hashtags, use only the suitable ones and the ideal number of hashtags  that you should use in an Instagram post is 5 to 7.

8. Not using Instagram Insights

If you want to grow on Instagram, you need to analyze your performance. Without analyzing your past performance, you cannot grow and expand further. Instagram has its very own analytics tool, with the help of which you can easily get all the desired statistics of each post. You can know about the areas where you are lacking and you can work on them.

9. Buying followers

Do not ever make the mistake of buying followers on Instagram. If you really want to grow on this platform, try it in the organic way.

10. Not posting high quality content

Quality of your content plays a major role when it comes to Instagram. Posting low quality pictures and videos will hinder your growth as a creator on Instagram.