Park With Peace of Mind: Protect Your Vehicle Against Theft

Protect Your Vehicle Against Theft

For many people, passing their driving test and getting their first car are rites of passage which are very exciting, but becoming a vehicle owner is not without its responsibilities. One of those is looking after the vehicle itself and any valuable items held within it, even when you are not there.

Protecting their vehicle from thieves is an important responsibility for drivers. While insurance covers crimes like this, they can still be highly distressing and it is best if they can be avoided altogether. The simplest way to do this is to make sure your vehicle is not an easy target for criminals. They will generally pick targets that they can break into quickly and that they know in advance have something valuable inside.

There are plenty of tips to help you achieve this. Here are some that you should definitely start using right away. 

  1. Keep valuables out of sight: Of course, it is best to keep them out of your vehicle altogether, but failing that, keeping your valuables out of sight is a close second. If possible, put them in a safe place where they are not visible before you reach your destination. That could be under a seat or in the glove compartment, for example. Try to do it before you park so that nobody sees you do it.

If you forget to do it before, it is still important to try and hide your valuables when you park anyway. You could cover them with something, such as a blanket, or put sunshades up in the windows. The best car sun shade for the job will be one that fits as much of the window as possible and is opaque. This has the added benefit of keeping your car’s interior nice and cool when it’s hot out too.

  1. Hide the hints too: While it is always good to keep your valuables out of sight, experienced thieves know that people do this and will instead be looking for more subtle signs that hint at what might be inside a vehicle.

For example, a suction cup on the windscreen hints that there might be a phone or GPS inside. A receipt with a designer store logo lying on the seat might lead them to your shopping bags in the boot.

  1. Park in the right places whenever possible: Another way to stay ahead of car theft is to park judiciously. This can stop thieves trying to peer inside your vehicle in the first place.

Smart places to park are those in well-lit areas where there are lots of people. Fear of getting caught or confronted makes thieves much more likely to seek out cars parked in isolated and dark places.

  1. Deterrents work: If a thief cannot see any sign of valuables being inside the vehicle, but can see that you have a dashcam running or think you might have a car alarm, chances are they will look elsewhere. They are usually only interested in easy pickings.

Sadly, theft from motor vehicles is a reality of modern life, especially in large cities. However, practising common sense and following the tips above can help minimise the chances of this distressing crime ever affecting you.